Granada Studio

Granada Studios is one of Manchester?s leading tourist attractions. The Granada Studios Tour, provide an area where visitors can walk down Coronation Street, was once one of the top 10 visitor attractions in Britain. Coronation Street is a UK based drama series centered on the imaginary town of Weatherfield, Manchester. It was first shown on 9 December 1960 and is the longest running TV show in the UK.

In 2000, it celebrated 40 years as the top soap opera with an average of 20 million viewers per episode. It is filmed at Granada Studios, Manchester. The street had a factory where its key characters worked in addition to some families and shops. The imaginative city has become so popular that visitors who travel today ask the taxi drivers to take them to Weatherfield, believing it to be an actual suburb of the City. A typical guided tour of Granada Studios lasted for about an hour.

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