Online Birmingham Tour

Birmingham began as a small rural manor. Its proximity to iron and coalfields as well as the water from small rivers helped its rapid growth into an industrial town. By the late 18th century, Birmingham was one of the leading manufacturing cities of the UK. Many household brands such as Branston Pickle and Cadbury Chocolate and HP Sauce are produced in Birmingham.

Our online Birmingham tour will showcase the bustling multi-cultured city that it now is. The city has restyled itself and boasts of restored canal walkways, pastoral sanctuaries, art galleries and music symphonies. Birmingham city has fashioned itself into a convention city and accounts for nearly 80% of the trade exhibitions in the UK. Birmingham city stands as the gateway to the north of England. Extensive building projects have taken place and the canal area around Brindley place is now home to modern and tasteful surroundings, bars and restaurants. This Birmingham online tour will take you through this transformation to see how a wonderful business and leisure environment has been created. Birmingham cityround will take you through various facets of the city, through the city's tourist attractions as well as its gastronomical delights. Look through our sections on shopping and entertainment. Read up on the history of Birmingham city as we trace it from its early rural times. Sports aficionados can find information on their Birmingham football and basketball clubs. Take the online Birmingham tour to find out little-known facts about this city - that it was the childhood home to JRR Tolkien and that Europe's largest fountain can be found at Victoria Square and much more!