Birmingham Jewelry Quarter

The Jewelry Quarter of Birmingham has seen a thriving jewelry trade since the late 18th century. The Hockley area of Birmingham is what is popularly known as the Jewelry Quarter. Spread over 107 hectares, the Birmingham Jewelry Quarter is close to the city centre. It still retains its Georgian and Victorian street structure. In 1861, there were nearly 7,000 craftsmen engaged in the jewelry trade in this part of Birmingham. The area also saw the proliferation of shops manufacturing buttons, buckles and trinkets for toys. Trade flourished and consequently the Jewelry Quarter expanded

Vyse Street is one of the main thoroughfares of the Jewelry Quarter. Stroll through and you will find art and antique stores as well as scores of jewelry shops. The glittering window displays coupled with the Victorian facades of the shops makes for an interesting experience. Warstone Lane and Frederick Street allow you a glimpse of the famous landmark of Birmingham's Jewelry Quarter - The Chamberlain Clock. The Big Peg is a modern office block situated in the Jewelry Quarter of Birmingham. Built in 1960, it was a common space for hundreds of jewelry workers. Today, it also houses creative enterprises and arts and media agencies. There has been increased restorative and conservation work being carried out in the Jewelry Quarter since the 1980s. It is also one of the Prince Foundation's heritage initiatives. Nearly ?250 million has been invested in the redevelopment of this part of the city. It is now home to thousands of people and also boasts of new cultural facilities. The manufacturing of jewelry is still retained within this quarter.