Manchester Food and Drink Festival

Manchester Food and Drink festival has been one of the city?s most popular events for the past five years. The festival was started out of the desire to share and showcase the best gastronomic delights in regional cooking and hospitality. The festival has come a long way from its humble beginnings in the early days of 1997.

The Manchester food and drink festival is a celebration to mark the best food and drink the city has to offer to its residents and visitors.The Manchester festival of food and drink is usually celebrated in the month of October. This year it takes place from October 1 to 13.

Most of the local restaurants, pubs and bars participate in the festival and outdo each other in offering a smorgasbord of delicacies. The highlights of this gastronomic extravaganza include Manchester Food & Drink Awards, a barbecue and family day, films with a food and drink theme and cooking demonstrations.

The festivalgoers can partake of the eclectic cuisine with live music and entertainment. The festivals also include guest appearances from celebrity chefs to cookery demonstrator and food critics. Throughout the two weeks the festival is on, there are numerous events taking place across the city.

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