Newcastle College

Newcastle College, situated in the North East is one of the biggest and best colleges in the country. The college offers a vast range of full and part-time programmes in a wide variety of subject areas. It also runs courses with a range of community and voluntary organizations, residents' associations and schools. The main campus of Newcastle College is at Rye Hill, located between Scotswood Road to the South and Westmorland Road to the North. Besides, the college has two other campuses - one at Sandyford and another at John Marley Centre. The campus at Rye hill is the largest and the University's administration functions in this campus.

The campus offers courses that include visual arts, business, care, sport, science, engineering, built environment, learning development, A level, GCSE and Access programmes. A community-based learning centre has been opened by Newcastle College, which boasts of a well-equipped library, modernized lecture theatre and classrooms as well as a computer aided design suite. Some courses are offered free of cost on introductory levels to encourage people who are getting back to education. This college at Newcastle has received an 'Outstanding' report from Ofsted - the education watchdog. This was based on its high pass rates among teenagers as well as adult learners.

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