Leeds Liverpool Canal

The Leeds Liverpool canal connects the Liverpool port with the Aire and Calder Navigation at Leeds. The Leeds Liverpool Canal is Britain's longest inland waterways, which winds on for about 127 miles. This canal connecting Leeds and Liverpool took 46 years to build. This canal served as a commercial conduit for the Lancashire woolen manufacturers seeking to expand their markets via Liverpool to Gargrave and Leyland to Liverpool. In 1777, the Leeds Liverpool Canal was opened from Livepool to Wigan and Leeds to Gargrave. It overran its time and cost estimation nearly 5 times over.

The Leeds Liverpool canal is differently engineered from other Trans-Pennine canals in that the locks are concentrated in groups with long level sections in between. The five-rise lock staircase at Bingley is one of the interesting features of the canal. The canal winds up the Lancashire plains into the Pennine hills and traverses the moorland country plunging through the Foulridge tunnel. From the Yorkshire Dales, the canal goes to the bustling city of Leeds.

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