Liverpool Women's Hospital

Liverpool Royal hospital comes under National Health Service and was set up in 1948 to provide healthcare for all citizens free of charge. Royal Hospital Liverpool provides general hospital services for most of the people of Liverpool and specialized services for people across the Cheshire and Merseyside region and beyond.

The Royal Hospital Liverpool works with the local National Health Service and Liverpool PCT's on providing effective healthcare to the local population. The Liverpool Royal hospital offers most services for the adult population of Cheshire and Merseyside. The hospital is renowned for its treatment on coronary heart disease, most forms of cancer and lung disease. The Liverpool royal hospital offers an extensive outpatient facility and has a hygienic cafeteria on the ground floor for outpatients.

The Liverpool Women's hospital is one of the premier hospitals in UK providing healthcare for women and babies. The hospital works in partnership with the Aintree Centre for Women's health and provides quality care in the fields of Maternity, Neonatology, Gynaecology, Reproductive medicine, Breast Surgery and Genetics. The Women's Hospital in Liverpool had previously been a child orphanage until it was officially opened by the Duke and Duchess of York on 21st June 1932.

In 1985, the Royal hospital along with Mill Road hospital came under the control of Liverpool Obstetric and Gynaecology unit. Later it came under the NHS trust in 1992 and came to be known as the Liverpool Women's hospital in 1994. The Liverpool Women's hospital also houses an art gallery in order to recognize the importance of arts, both to improve the environment of the hospital and to contribute to the care of patients.

The Liverpool women's hospital arts group was opened in 1995 with the aim of providing patients and visitors a comfortable and soothing environment to lessen their pain, stress and feelings. The hospital has a vast range of arts collection that includes sculptures, paintings, murals, wall hangings and stained glass pieces.

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