Weekend Break In Edinburgh

Edinburgh - the capital of Scotland sits on a series of volcanoes. Split into two distinct areas - Old Town and New Town, the city of Edinburgh is a blend of the ancient and the modern. If you are seeking a weekend break in Edinburgh, then this city with its fifteenth century buildings, ancient churches and monumental Victorian masterpieces will not disappoint you. A city with steeply sloping streets, Edinburgh's Old Town is rich with antique shops, crafts, jewelry and galleries. The Edinburgh International Airport is close to the city. You can fly down to Edinburgh from most airports in England and Europe. Edinburgh is connected by high-speed inter-city trains along Britain's East Coast main line. International trains leave from Edinburgh Train Station making it an ideal weekend break. The public transportation throughout Edinburgh is inexpensive and convenient. There are regular bus services plying in the area too.

Edinburgh is not only about tartan and bagpipes. If you are a golfing enthusiast, then a weekend break in Edinburgh is just what you need. Edinburgh boasts of some of the world's finest links and parkland courses. The countryside is ideal for picnickers and trekkers. Explore the coastline of Edinburgh while you are there. You can choose to head for the lovely Tweed Valley at the south of Edinburgh. Lose yourself in the rolling hills, castles, ruined abbeys that are reminiscent of a glorious past. You can spend a leisurely weekend in Edinburgh pursuing mountain biking or walking through the city's streets. The cafes and pubs are open till the wee hours of the morning and the restaurants offer the most cosmopolitan ambience and cuisine. No weekend break in Edinburgh is complete without sampling some of the land's famous whisky. Treat yourself to a ballet or opera at a theater or concert hall of Edinburgh. There is plenty of live music in the city for jazz aficionados.

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